I love my sweet companion. Hermana Rodriguez is from Ecuador
but her family moved to Madrid four years ago. We practice English by me
telling a story in Spanish and she translating back in English. I love it. It’s a great way to improve our language skills.
All is well here in Elche. It’s a lot different than
Malaga; but we must show the people of Elche the great blessings of the gospel.
I am having to try to find different ways to show them that! I do love these
people as they are my brothers and sisters. Please pray for them and for us
missionaries. I will continue to do all that I can; which is obedience. I have
a testimony of this Gospel, I know it is true. This is His Church, even Jesus
Christ. His Grace is sufficient for us all. I know that we must have faith in
order for the Lord to work miracles in our lives. Faith is the first principle
in the gospel. We must always do our part first and the Lord will do the rest.
Love always,
Hermana Arce