Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Elche (Elx), Spain

This is a glimpse of the beautiful city of Elche, Spain where Hermana Camille A. Arce has been transferred as of last week. Elche, also known as the "City of Palms" is located within the largest Palm forest in Europe. Check it out!!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Officially in Elche, España!..

Dear Friends and Family—

Funny story! Last Saturday, my companion and I were walking down the streets and came across los Testigos de Jeovah (Jehovah Witness). Normally, they always stare us down or give us weird looks. As usual, we are always prepared to smile and wave! Well, this time as we passed them by they smiled and waved back!! A couple of minutes later, my comp and I looked at each other and we were like HOW nice they were! Weren’t they? Then my comp said, "¿Hermana, tiene su chapa?" (nametag) and I looked down and realized it was inside my coat and then I looked at my comp and asked her: ‘Where was your nametag?”.. It turned out that hers was also inside of her coat… Bottom line, los testigos de Jeovah thought we were ‘testigos’ too… It was super funny! It EXPLAINS everything.  

I am officially in Elche, España!! Where there are more palm trees than people!! Woo-hoo!! However, it just got a lot harder. The ward is amazing though. Our ward, Elche 2, is very small barrio of about 50 members who attend regularly…honestly, we should be a branch instead. That being said, our sacrament meeting goes real quick! I have been able to tell the difference in the people from Malaga to the people in Andulucia. But all in all, I know there is someone who is here in Elche that is ready to hear our message. So, for now, we just have to keep looking, working hard and being obedient.

Speaking of obedient, I have been studying a ton about Obedience. You see, on Saturday night, el obispo (the bishop) called and assigned us to teach gospel principals class on Sunday and the lesson was on obedience (small world)… I loved it! The members really got into the lesson and they bore testimony and all was super cool. It’s amazing to keep so many different people coming from all different lives, different problems, and different trials but at the end of the day the gospel is what changed their perspectives. Having Christ being the center in their lives is what helped them. I love the Book of Mormon, I talk about it every day. I study it, read it, and apply it. Since this book is for us in our days, it is available so that we can gain knowledge, keep growing and draw closer and closer to our Heavenly Father. The Book of Mormon and the Spirit are keys to our change of hearts, minds and ultimately to our conversion.

Let’s take advantage of this and share with our friends and family what the Book of Mormon means most to you. I talk about how the gospel has been restored in this dispensation and how we have a living Prophet today, even Thomas S. Monson, who leads and guides us directed from our Father in Heaven. Brothers, Sisters family and friends, we have so many things to be thankful for! One of my favorite quotes by Dieter F. Uchdorf "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your Faith."  Thank you for the loving prayers and having a solid awesome week! 

Besitos y Abrazos,

Hermana Arce!

On my way to Elche

Back in Malaga..saying goodbye to Nubia!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Me voy a Elche, provincia de Valencia!!

On Wednesday, I am getting transferred to Elche, which is near Valencia. I will be serving in the Elche Ward II (En el barrio de Elche II) and my companion 'va a ser' Hermana Rodriguez. She just finished her training, so I will be senior companion. YIKES!! I am a little nervous! But Hermana Rodriguez is native, so she knows Spanish already, yay--"no va a ver ningun problema con idioma”. I am ready to learn from her and I hope I will be able to bring something in turn to her. I am super excited! I hear it will be a little colder in Elche than it is in Malaga since I will be heading north east of Spain. I have said my goodbyes to my Malaga Ward. It was so sad! I love them so much but I am ready to serve the people in Elche. I heard Elche was beautiful and there are A LOT of South Americans who live there. I am excited and looking forward serving the people of Elche. Vamos a ver!!! 

I would like to share with you a scripture that I have come to love on the mission. D&C 50:24, que dice, “That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day”. We receive light when we do the simple but most powerful commandments God has asks us to do. He asked us to pray with real intent, read the book of Mormon so that we may learn, and go to church so that we may all grow and support each other in standing firm in our beliefs. And ultimately, make promises with Him, through baptism and in the temple. But wait…There is a promise that I love which is: if we do these... sincerely do these things… We become like Him. We receive His light because He is the light and we are destined to become like Him. 

Last but not least, I received a huge miracle this week. My foot CHANGED dramatically. I am not in pain anymore!!! I am recovering super quickly. Thank you so so much for your prayers on my behalf. I can feel them, and I thank you! 

- Take care everyone, Trust in God and He will perform miracles!! 

Hermana Arce
 (pronunciar con theta)

Last view from Malaga

Hermana Volpe and I with umbrellas!!

Hermana Volpe and I with church members..

Newest members of the Malaga Ward. Happy Days!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hola, York Ward Relief Society!

Thank you so much ladies for sending your love & encouraging words through the letters you sent this Christmas. I carefully read each and every one of them, and was just smiling from ear to ear!

I just love being a missionary. I have the great opportunity to meet so many people all over the world. No matter what language, country or race you are, we are ALL God’s children. He desperately wants each and every one of us back! I have come to realize that God does not send angels down from Heaven to save His lost sheep. He sent us. We are always His angels when we are helping others in any capacity we can. I have seen it through simple smiles & kind of acts. Thank you again for your love and support while I am here in Spain. It truly meant the world to me!

I want to leave you with my testimony that -- I know God works through us and that we are His disciples and angels. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and His Atonement is infinite. Infinite in time, death and power. My dear sisters, His plan for us to return is perfect. Heavenly Father has given us everything to succeed in this life and that is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, please don’t give up. Keep trying. Keep walking in faith. I can promise you Christ is not waiting at the finish line cheering you on—Instead, He is right beside you. Helping you. Pulling with you. I leave this testimony with you in the sacred name, of our brother, friend and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Hermana Arce 

Monday, January 12, 2015


This week was a real good week! Hermana Volpe and I worked really hard! Took every teaching opportunity we had and materialized into follow-up appointments. I am getting better at street contacting! If we want more people to teach we have to talk to more people! And the best news of them all is that we have a baptism set for Loli this Sunday. We are so excited for her! I have been working with Loli since I was with Hermana Crockett! Loli is so ready. Guess what…what helped her out the most was having the fellowshipping and support in the ward. There is a such a power from the members in our wards. Loli hopes to one day be sealed in the temple with her family. 

Transfers are coming up!... I AM GETTING TRANSFERRED!!!! Ah, crazy no? I don’t know where I will be going until next week. But I can’t believe I am leaving Malaga!! I will be honest, I have mixed feelings--little nervous, sad and happy---Not sure what feeling prevails. Just a little bit of everything, right? However, I do feel it is time to go. I have been here since September. 

So, a funny story this past week. Honestly, I got a little confused with my Spanish words... Never a good sign, right? Well, it all started when Hermana Volpe needed shoes, so of course we went to a couple of shops looking for shoes. Well, I got bored and decided to look at shoes too. I found a pair and wanted to try them on... So here we go..I used my Spanish skills... then I asked the salesman, while the shoe is in my hands "podría robarlos"…”Could I steal them” instead of "probar" “try them on”! robar = steal, probar- try. I don’t know what happened but got the words confused...... Obviously, after my embarrassment, I do now know the difference. I won’t be doing any stealing! 
Oh Spain! ¿Que terrible, no?

To top it off, the very next day I saw the word “Cuidese” = "Take Care Of".. I said “Quedese” = "Stay".. Oops again!. Daddy--I am sure you know what I meant. Just love me!!!

On a side note, I sent off postcards to you guys.. but, I found out that they changed the stamps here to 1euro instead of 92.00cents. Anyhow, I don’t know if you will get them… I hope so! Watch out for them. 

Last but not least. Please pray for my foot. I called the nurse at the mission home and she checked it out this past week. I haven’t said anything for a month now to anyone about it (because, you know me I don’t want people thinking that I am making an excuse or something). Anyhow, I was hoping the pain in my left foot would go away after some time. You see, there is a bone in my foot that hurts really bad when I walk on it for a long time (here in Spain that’s all we do walk everywhere). I know for fact, it isn’t my shoes because I’ve already switched them out several times. It’s been a month like this, and it just seems to be getting worse. It’s only in my left foot and I have taken Ibuprofen-- as you remember, I have serious heart pain when I take those kind of pills.

(Note: I am not letting my foot stop me from working or walking.) I did not tell you to worry. I AM FINE. I will continue to do the work. But, please pray for me so the pain will go again-- Thank you!!!!!!!! Love you guys!! You guys are the BEST!!!

-Hermana Arce

Monday, January 5, 2015


HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! 2015!!! Wow. I can’t believe this is a new year. 

I invite you to set goals and make plans for what we want to accomplish during 2015. We must plan who we want to become this year. It all starts with a plan.

This past week we had the opportunity to stay up until 12 midnight and run back to our piso (floor) for bed after we ate the grapes. You see, here in Spain they have a tradition to eat 12 grapes for New Year’s Eve. 12 seconds before the New Year you eat the 12 grapes. So, this year was the first time Hermana Volpe and I did it! It was super fun because we went to downtown to do it. (see pictures)

Today and tomorrow (Jan 5 & 6th) is the celebration of “Rosco de Reyes”. They celebrate the three wise men coming to give Jesus gifts and so everyone gives gifts. It’s crazy! These people are ALWAYS celebrating something… Or they like to drag out celebrations. So, at the end of the day is a little difficult to schedule follow-up appointments (fijar citas). Everyone tells us….AFTER the ‘fiesta’--which is the 6th. But, it’s been in “Fiesta’ mode since 25th.. Oh, España! 

On another note. This week we have set goals as a companionship on how we can strengthen our area. We have many good investigators but setting ‘fechas con ellos es muy difícil’. I have studied a lot about humility, and I love Alma 32, specialmente versiculo 16-- About how those who are compelled to be humble and those who hear the words, humble themselves to have an open heart. I love this because when you are humble it is a great opportunity to learn! A veces, it is difficult to be humble during trials but it is during those trials the Lord can teach us and it is only through the trial we can learn what He wants you to learn. Only on condition of humility…’Me encanta la escritura que se encuentra en Eter 12:27-- He has promised that He will make our weaknesses strong. 
I know that when we put our trust in the Lord, He will make our weaknesses become strong. He wants us to change to have us become more like Him. His grace and love is open to whoever will come unto Him with a willing heart and contrite Spirit. I love the Book of Mormon with all my heart!

Also, I have been reading in 3rd Nephi—it’s about Christ coming to the Americas and fulfilling the Fathers’ will. Jesus Christ is truly the Prince of Peace. It is only through His gospel that we find true peace, love, and happiness in this life and in the life to come. 

Have a safe, but most importantly spiritual week! 

Love y´all,

Hermanita Arce

Downtown Malaga..Minutes before 12midnight

Hermana Volpe and I celebrating 2015.

Malaga...Wee in the morning!!